/BCO-DMO/Mechanisms_Bivalve_Response/OA_modeled_growth --development_time_post_fert eq 72-- Level 2

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# Modeled growth of M. californianus larvae to pediveliger stage after acute acidification stress
# PI: George Waldbusser (Oregon State University)
# Co-PIs: Chris Langdon, Burke Hales, & Brian Haley (Oregon State University)
# Version: 20 October 2016
development_time_post_fert  time  
72                          3     
treatment  pCO2   aragonite_sat  pH     pH_category  omega_category  shell_size_est  energy_est_from_shell_len  ingestion_rate_est  food_energy_content  assimilation_efficiency  resp_rate  resp_cost  energy_est_from_shell_len2  daily_ingestion_rate  net_growth_efficiency  respiration_costs  change_in_energy  scope_for_growth_energy  delay_effect  
La         219    0.5            7.84   Low          Low             102.580         560.469                    22.308              0.608                0.38                     0.255      5.121      560.469                     123.697               0.78                   122.904            656.953           0.793                    nd            
Lb         197    1.09           8.03   Low          MedLow          123.584         983.693                    41.075              0.608                0.38                     0.358      7.201      983.693                     227.762               0.67                   172.825            1136.293          54.936                   nd            
Lc         241    1.87           8.11   Low          MedHigh         127.275         1075.130                   45.212              0.608                0.38                     0.378      7.600      1075.130                    250.697               0.67                   182.389            1243.097          68.309                   nd            
Ld         191    4.58           8.35   Low          High            129.255         1126.440                   47.545              0.608                0.38                     0.389      7.817      1126.440                    263.637               0.67                   187.615            1303.077          76.022                   nd            
Mla*       715    0.31           7.48   MedLow       Low             89.251          368.118                    14.216              0.608                0.38                     0.197      3.969      368.118                     78.829                0.78                   95.266             429.604           -16.438                  nd            
Mlb        437    1.03           7.84   MedLow       MedLow          123.459         980.705                    40.941              0.608                0.38                     0.358      7.188      980.705                     227.015               0.67                   172.507            1132.804          54.508                   nd            
Mlc        396    2.36           8.04   MedLow       MedHigh         127.708         1086.215                   45.715              0.608                0.38                     0.380      7.647      1086.215                    253.489               0.67                   183.526            1256.052          69.963                   nd            
Mld        365    4.82           8.21   MedLow       High            129.576         1134.905                   47.931              0.608                0.38                     0.391      7.853      1134.905                    265.776               0.67                   188.468            1312.974          77.308                   nd            
Mha        8.73   0.51           7.54   MedHigh      Low             101.097         536.348                    21.342              0.608                0.38                     0.248      4.986      536.348                     118.341               0.78                   119.671            628.653           -1.330                   nd            
Mhb        773    1.17           7.75   MedHigh      MedLow          124.539         1006.838                   42.120              0.608                0.38                     0.363      7.303      1006.838                    233.552               0.67                   175.278            1163.318          58.274                   nd            
Mhc        803    2.33           7.88   MedHigh      MedHigh         127.962         1092.743                   46.012              0.608                0.38                     0.382      7.675      1092.743                    255.134               0.67                   184.193            1263.683          70.940                   nd            
Mhd        767    4.69           8.05   MedHigh      High            129.090         1122.116                   47.348              0.608                0.38                     0.388      7.799      1122.116                    262.544               0.67                   187.178            1298.021          75.366                   nd            
Ha         2228   0.65           7.39   High         Low             109.162         676.261                    27.410              0.608                0.38                     0.285      5.738      676.261                     151.985               0.78                   137.718            794.810           14.268                   nd            
Hb         2175   1.31           7.55   High         MedLow          123.778         988.386                    41.287              0.608                0.38                     0.359      7.222      988.386                     228.935               0.67                   173.324            1141.772          55.610                   nd            
Hc         2457   2.18           7.64   High         MedHigh         127.845         1089.748                   45.876              0.608                0.38                     0.381      7.662      1089.748                    254.379               0.67                   183.887            1260.182          70.491                   nd            
Hd         2063   5.21           7.86   High         High            130.126         1149.514                   48.597              0.608                0.38                     0.394      7.914      1149.514                    269.471               0.67                   189.934            1330.060          79.537                   nd            
Control    272    3.25           8.19   Control      Control         128.719         1112.392                   46.906              0.608                0.38                     0.386      7.758      1112.392                    260.089               0.67                   186.193            1286.652          73.896                   nd